DB (ezb_db)

This service manages communications to the database. It has two listeners, one for the admin console and one for the bastion (ezb_srv). The admin console listerner use JWT authentication while bastion’s one use PKI. You must declare the first (default) STA service and copy his public certificat, in the cert folder.


1. Download ezb_db from GitHub .

2. Open a admin command prompte, like CMD or Powershell.

3. Run ezb_db.exe with init option.

  • ezb_pki: tcp address and port of ezb_pki.
  • SAN: (Subject Alternative Name) Valid FQDN comma separated list for this certificate.

4. Edit config.json

  • Set service name and description.
  • Change if need, JWT & PKI port numbers.
  • Add the first STA address.
    "listenjwt": ":8443",
    "listenpki": ":8444",
    "privatekey": "cert/ezb_db.key",
    "publiccert": "cert/ezb_db.crt",
    "cacert": "cert/ca.crt",
    "db": "sqlite",
    "sqlite": {
        "dbpath": "db/ezb_db.db"
    "servicename": "ezb_db",
    "servicefullname": "ezBastion Database",
    "loglevel": "warning",
    "ezb_pki": "ezb_pki.fqdn:5000",
    "san": [
    "default_sta": "https://ezb_sta.fqdn:5001/token"

5. Install Windows service and start it.

ezb_db install
ezb_db start