Front server (ezb_srv)

this is the service that is responsible for routing and validating authorizations. It receive the requests and give them to the workers. It is advisable to have at least two servers behind a load balancer. You must copy all public certificat from STA services to cert folder.


1. Download ezb_srv from GitHub .

2. Open a admin command prompte, like CMD or Powershell.

3. Run ezb_srv.exe with init option.

  • ezb_pki: tpc address and port of ezb_pki.
  • SAN: (Subject Alternative Name) Valid FQDN comma separated list for this certificate.

4. Edit config.json

  • Set service name and description.
  • Change if need, listener address and port [1].
  • Add the first STA address.
  • Set cacheL1 duration in second [2].
    "listen": "",
    "ezb_db": "https://ezb_db.fqdn:8444/",
    "loglevel": "info",
    "cacheL1": 60,
    "privatekey": "cert/ezb_srv.key",
    "publiccert": "cert/ezb_srv.crt",
    "cacert": "cert/ca.crt",
    "servicename": "ezb_srv",
    "servicefullname": "ezBastion front",
    "ezb_pki": "ezb_pki.fqdn:5000",
    "san": [

5. Install Windows service and start it.

ezb_srv install
ezb_srv start
[1]:port for all interfaces, for IPv4, for all IPv4 interfaces, address.fqdn:port for DNS resolution.
[2]The cacheL1 is the retention time for information comming from the database.