STA (ezb_sta)

The STA (Secure Token Authority) is the second node to install. It create JWT token after account authentication. The JWT was signed with ECDSA key provided by ezb_pki, you must copy ezb_sta public key in all other nodes cert folder.


1. Download ezb_sta from GitHub

2. Download latest 9.X node.js with npm from official node.js site

3. Install nodes.js

4. Unzip ezb_sta package into the final Windows service folder

5. Open a admin command prompte, like CMD or Powershell.

6. From ezb_sta folder, install module with npm

PS E:\ezbastion\ezb_sta> npm install

7. Use ezb_sta.exe to generate config.json and certificat key pair


8. Edit config.json

  • externalkey: private PEM certificat filename, used for https access to this STA.
  • externalcert: public PEM certificat filename, used for https access to this STA.
    "externalkey": "",
    "externalcert": "",
    "privatekey": "ezb_sta.key",
    "publiccert": "ezb_sta.crt",
    "cacert": "ca.crt",
    "issuer": "ezb_sta",
    "audience": "ezBastion",
    "jwtttl": 1200,
    "ezbdb": "https://ezb_db.fqdn:8444/",
    "port": 5001

publiccert must be the same than issuer name.

9. Deploy certificat

Copy publiccert into ezb_db and ezb_srv cert folder.

10. Install windows service

PS E:\ezbastion\ezb_sta> node installService.js